Get the AD/HD Tools, Resources, and Connections that You and Your Loved Ones Need to Succeed at the Virtual AD/HD Conference®!
(No Travel Required!)
Dear Friends,
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One thing I see over and over again in my work is that people who are affected by AD/HD - adults, kids, teens, and their parents, grandparents, siblings, and others - often feel hopeless. They feel hopeless about treatment options. They feel hopeless about perceived failures and mistakes. They feel hopeless about their ability to succeed in life. And, sadly, that hopelessness is almost always accompanied by a deep and painful feeling of loneliness.
I know what it's like. I know what it's like to feel that you are (or your family is) different from so many others. I know that feeling of incredible loneliness when you're struggling and no one understands. I know the frustration of not being able to even think about moving forward because you're so busy simply trying to hold things together. Just about every person affected by AD/HD has felt this way at some point in their life, and maybe even throughout their entire life.
And way too often, people feel so hopeless and so lonely that they give up on trying to make things better. They mistakenly believe that their lives will always be difficult.
Have YOU ever felt this way? If so, then I want you to know that I firmly believe you CAN live successfully with AD/HD. And the 22 other experts joining me at the Virtual AD/HD Conference® this year share my belief. We want you to know that there IS hope, and that you and your family CAN succeed with AD/HD.
The Virtual AD/HD Conference® was born four years ago when a colleague and I were talking about how energized, happy and hopeful we felt after attending a conference, and we brainstormed about how we could bring that experience to other people and families with AD/HD. Because the truth is that sometimes physical conferences just aren't practical for the people who need them the most. Travel and lodging can prove to be very expensive, as can the time away from work and home. And that's where the Virtual AD/HD Conference® comes in.
Modern technology is truly a wonderful thing, and it allows us to bring together an international community of people affected by AD/HD through the annual Virtual AD/HD Conference®. Every year, we welcome over 500 adults, parents, spouses/partners, doctors, therapists, advocates, coaches, counselors, and many more in the AD/HD community for days of information, resources, connection and—yes, fun!
Testimonial: My life and soul have been transformed.
"When I registered for the conference, I was most interested in learning strategies for adapting to life with AD/HD when you were diagnosed as an adult. Because of the opportunity to listen to top AD/HD speakers without spending the money to travel to a conference, my life and soul have been transformed and overwhelmingly inspired. I learned far more than I expected about AD/HD. The experts were stellar. I loved the format, and it fit my life perfectly. Gotta love technology. You can't afford not to educate yourself about your AD/HD through this incredible high quality, low cost event!"
Jamieson Haverkampf
Atlanta, GA
Whether you (or someone close to you) are newly diagnosed or an AD/HD veteran, you'll want to attend this online event! Here are just a few reasons why:
Reason to Attend #1: Invite the Top Experts in the World of AD/HD Into Your Living Room (Without Cleaning Up!)
One of the best things about the Virtual AD/HD Conference® is that you can find the top experts in the AD/HD community all in one place! Confirmed speakers for the 2011 conference include:
Edward "Ned" Hallowell, M.D., psychiatrist and author of books such as Driven to Distraction, Delivered from Distraction, Married to Distraction, and his latest book, Shine.
Patricia Quinn, M.D., developmental pediatrician and author of books such as Understanding Girls with AD/HD, and Putting on the Brakes: Understanding and Taking Control of Your ADD or ADHD.
Daniel Amen, M.D., psychiatrist, brain imaging specialist, public television personality, and author of books such as Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, A Magnificent Mind at Any Age, and his latest book Change Your Brain, Change Your Body.
Plus many 19 more top authors, doctors, therapists, coaches, and leaders in the AD/HD community! The conference agenda can be found here.
Testimonial: The Virtual AD/HD Conference® really brings the "gurus of AD/HD" together for three days of wonderful, informative sessions!
"I have attended many conferences throughout the country on AD/HD, and the Virtual AD/HD Conference® really brings the "gurus of AD/HD" together for three days of wonderful, informative sessions! This conference is for everyone involved with AD/HD: parents, students, spouses of people with AD/HD, and professionals working with people with AD/HD."
Linda Emerson
Rock Hill, SCTestimonial: This is the best, consolidated value of AD/HD experts you will find and be able to listen to in such a short period of time.
"I feel that one of the most important benefits of attending the Virtual AD/HD Conference® is the ability to listen to the top AD/HD experts in all the different areas that are often required to successfully manage one's AD/HD.
This is the best, consolidated value of AD/HD experts you will find and be able to listen to in such a short period of time. It is a great foundation of experts you have access to to learn things from you might not get anywhere else. Jennifer and her team deserve all the accolades they receive. They have worked very hard to create one of the finest AD/HD educational platforms available to the public. They have provided a great value/resource that has the potential to transform lives."
David Giwerc, MCC, Founder of The ADD Coach Academy
Virtual AD/HD Conference® Speaker 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Reason to Attend #2: Learn The Latest AD/HD Information, Find Important Tools and Resources, and Discover Valuable Success Strategies
Reason to Attend #2: Learn The Latest AD/HD Information, Find Important Tools and Resources, and Discover Valuable Success Strategies
Our expert presenters will provide you with the latest information and strategies on the most important topics in AD/HD to help you:
- Understand your (or your child's) diagnosis
- Explore conventional and alternative treatments options for AD/HD
- Improve your relationships
- Effectively parent your AD/HD kids
- Discover educational success strategies for teens and college students
- Delve into success strategies and skills for adults with AD/HD
- Gain the tools and resources you need to make you life easier
- And so much more!
Testimonial: The best thing about the conference was the variety of topics covered.
"I attended the Virtual AD/HD Conference® because my son and I both have AD/HD. I needed some insight in how to identify AD/HD traits in order to be able to sort them from a person just being who they are. After participating in the conference, my anxiety level has lowered considerably and I'm beginning to sleep better.
The best thing about the conference was the variety of topics covered. I'm going to love having all that info at my fingertips for easy reference.
I would highly recommend this conference to anyone who's touched by AD/HD in their lives. A little perspective is a wonderful thing. (In this case a LOT of perspective.) Thanks for this opportunity and for the conference!!!"
Nancy Werthessen
Westport, MA
It doesn't matter if you're:
- An adult with AD/HD
- The parent of a child with AD/HD
- The spouse or partner of an adult with AD/HD
- A professional service provider for people with AD/HD
- Newly diagnosed with AD/HD
- An AD/HD management "pro"
- The teacher, employer, or family member of a person with AD/HD...
You WILL find other people just like you to connect with! Participants consistently tell us that one of the things they enjoy most about the Virtual AD/HD Conference® is the opportunity to connect, share stories, and seek out tips and advice from others who understand, and don't judge.
We provide community forums to discuss each and every presentation with other attendees. And it's not uncommon for some of the conference speakers to join in on the discussion forums and personally answer your questions!
Testimonial: The best things about the Virtual AD/HD Conference® are the choice to be able to listen live or not, to be able to have the materials available for three months, and the online discussion groups after the various sessions.
"As a result, I am more aware of how AD/HD affects me in everyday life, and since I am more aware, I am less judgmental of myself. After listening to the sessions, I am not as hard on myself and I'm less critical of myself when I am not focusing real well.
The best things about the Virtual AD/HD Conference® are the choice to be able to listen live or not, to be able to have the materials available for three months, and the online discussion groups after the various sessions. If I had a friend thinking about signing up for the conference, I would tell them to definitely attend."
Marga Stubblefield
Kailua, HITestimonial: The positive, non-judgmental energy was terrific!
"I am old enough to collect Social Security, so I was not happy to hear that I might have AD/HD, although it did explain a lot of my past difficulties. I signed up for the Virtual AD/HD Conference® to learn more about AD/HD and find the best solutions. After attending the conference, I discovered that many of the strategies I have in place already are on the right track! To anyone contemplating the conference, I would say the price was right for the volumes of information. The variety was excellent for anyone looking for comprehensive information on AD/HD. I still listen to recordings in my car, and I'm also checking the website on a regular basis. The positive, non-judgmental energy was terrific!"
Pam Findlay
Oxford, NJ
Reason to Attend #4: Learn at Your Own Pace, in the Ways That Work Best for You
We've taken special care to make the Virtual AD/HD Conference® super-friendly to people with AD/HD. Presentations have both audio and visual components, as well as chat forums, and you can download all the materials for your future use and reference.
All attendees get:
- An interactive, participant-only website just for conference attendees, which means that everything you need to participate in the conference and connect with the community is located in one, easy-to-use online space.
- Access to all 4 days of presentations via phone OR webcast, which means that you can participate live from anywhere in the world using your phone or your computer.
- Audio-visual playbacks of all the live sessions, which means that you don't have to attend each session live to get the full experience.
- Downloadable presentation slides submitted by each speaker, which means that you can choose to follow along while the speaker presents or review the materials later.
- Recordings of all presentations as downloadable MP3 files, which means that you don't have to attend each session in order to reap the benefits. Plus, you can download the session recordings and keep them for your reference. Listen to them whenever you need them—whether that's a month or a year after the conference!
- Dedicated forums for each presentation, which means that you can discuss sessions with your peers to process the information and plan action steps.
- Direct links to each speaker's website, services, and books, which means that you don't have to waste time searching online to learn more about your favorite speakers and the topics they present on.
- A virtual exhibit hall of AD/HD resources and services, which means that you can browse the available resources at your leisure with no pressure.
And, you'll have the opportunity to get an audio CD set of all presentations, plus printed transcripts and slides from all sessions, which means even more AD/HD-friendly ways to engage with the presentations.
Testimonial: The multimedia/sensory approach of the conference (webcast, recordings, slides, etc.) offered me many ways to learn at my own pace and the ability to go back to the materials and access them at times when I need them.
"I registered for the Virtual AD/HD Conference® because I was interested in learning information to help me manage my AD/HD symptoms better, as well as information to help me work with my clients struggling with AD/HD symptoms.
I'm using new techniques on a daily basis and not beating myself up as much. I play the session recordings that are most relevant to my particular struggles while I'm in my car to remind me how to best work with them.
The multimedia/sensory approach of the conference (webcast, recordings, slides, etc.) offered me many ways to learn at my own pace and the ability to go back to the materials and access them at times when I need them. I'm sure that I will continue to play the recordings and make the most of the resources for a long time to come.
The breadth and depth of information and practical skills offered from the conference were well worth the price, and it would be a huge mistake to pass up the opportunity to hear from so many experts on various topics. I'm certainly going to encourage my clients to attend the conference next year."
Laurie Fleishman-Pogach
Lansdale, PA
Testimonial: Being able to download recordings of all the sessions was icing on the cake.
"As a parent of a child with AD/HD and a professional in the field, I appreciated the high quality of the speakers and the diversity of topics discussed. Being able to download recordings of all the sessions was icing on the cake. The sessions were loaded with great strategies that can be put to use immediately."
Kathy Baur, Ph.D.
Aurora, CO
Reason to Attend #5: Save Money, Time, and Energy by Skipping the Travel Costs and Hassles
Attending a physical conference gets expensive quick! Take a look at this chart and compare. Note, the expenses listed under "Physical Conference" are actual expenses that I will incur to attend a physical AD/HD conference later this year.
Physical Conference | Virtual AD/HD Conference® | |
Registration Fee | $415 | $227 |
Air Travel | $343 | n/a |
Airport Parking | $60 | n/a |
Hotel | $700 | n/a |
Meals | approximately $300 | Normal cost of meals at home |
Total | $1818 | $227 |
That's a difference o f $1591! And those are just the costs for me to travel - I'm not even counting the added expense of bringing my spouse and child!
The Virtual AD/HD Conference® is convenient! You pay only the registration fee, and skip the cost of travel, lodging, childcare, etc. No worries about—and no money spent on—planes, hotels, meals, etc.
Why not save $1591? And skip the stress and frustration that one experiences when traveling and being away from home for 4 days, too!
Testimonial: There is NO DOUBT that this format gives participants the MOST back for their dollar!
"I've worked on planning conferences for ADDA and other organizations over the past 25 years. Aside from it being a LOT of work, the trend indicated that fewer and fewer people were able to attend these conferences due to the cost of transportation, housing and time off from their jobs/personal life.
The ability to be able to offer conference-quality content to individuals WITHOUT all of those costs is a mind-boggling result of our modern technology. It allows people who would never be able to get the information to "attend" in a comfortable and cost-effective manner.
To assemble a menu of experts from around the world is an amazing undertaking, given everyone's schedules. THIS conference does that. It then offers individuals the opportunity to "meet with and hear" these experts from around the world, speaking on the widest variety of topics related to AD/HD possible. To have that opportunity would otherwise cost so MUCH in money and time...both of which are often barriers to participation. But with the Virtual AD/HD Conference®, individuals can attend, hear the experts, get caught up on the latest and most up to date information, research, views, breakthroughs, strategies, law, etc., and do so from the comfort of one's own home! There is NO DOUBT that this format gives participants the MOST back for their dollar!
It's an amazing time we live in, and being able to offer a virtual conference (especially one run as efficiently and user-friendly as this one is) is an AWESOME GIFT that someone can give another person...or themselves!"
Wilma Fellman, M.Ed
Virtual AD/HD Conference® Speaker 2008, 2010Testimonial: For the price of a typical office visit, you get to hear all of the experts and learn how to approach AD/HD with confidence.
"Going into this conference, I was interested in all areas of AD/HD, so it was great to have all the experts in one place. I came away with a better understanding of how to improve my life. Learning more about AD/HD gave me great insight on how I used to think and act. Improving my life is number one now. I can look back and shake my head and finally let go of the past, and move forward into the future. I have told many people who have AD/HD (or think they have it) that this conference is the best thing for them. For the price of a typical office visit, you get to hear all of the experts and learn how to approach AD/HD with confidence."
Michael Catanzaro
Lake Worth, FL
Reason to Attend #6: We Make it EASY to Get the Information, Resources, and Tools You're Looking For
The Virtual AD/HD Conference® is AD/HD-friendly! You can pick and choose from FOUR full days of sessions. Attend them all, or just a few—your choice! You can attend the live sessions, or skip them and catch a recording later. You can participate from the comfort of your own living room, kitchen, office, or anywhere else you like. And, best of all, you can sleep in your own bed at the end of the day.
All the conference sessions and materials are posted on the members-only conference website for three full months after the live event, so there's plenty of time to download the materials.
Testimonial: The Virtual AD/HD Conference® is a "must do."
"I would say the biggest benefit of attending the Virtual AD/HD Conference® is the opportunity to learn from experts from the comfort from home AND have a virtual connection to others attending the conference (as opposed to just listening to MP3s).
The Virtual AD/HD Conference® is a "must do." Great speakers, great interaction with others through the forums online and a chance to learn a lot about all facets of AD/HD."
Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC
Virtual AD/HD Conference® Speaker 2008, 2009, 2010
One of the fun things about attending a conference is getting that goodie bag when you check in! The organization, along with sponsors and speakers, offer gifts and bonuses for the attendees to enjoy. And the Virtual AD/HD Conference® is no exception!
We're providing conference attendees with a virtual goodie bag of valuable (and free) gifts from our presenters, sponsors, and friends.
The Virtual Goodie Bag includes:
- The audio Paying Attention to Yourself: Practicing Good Self-Care When You Have ADHD, donated by Conference Speaker Stephanie Sarkis.
- A Guide to Choosing the Right Planner, donated by Conference Speaker Laura Rolands.
- A special presentation on Success Strategies for Creative Innatentives, donated by Conference Speaker Barbara Luther.
- A special report on Why Is Is So Hard to Get Rid of All That Stuff?, donated by Conference Speaker Linda Anderson.
- The audio Everything You Wanted to Know About AD/HD but Forgot to Ask with Conference Speakers Tara McGillicuddy and Ari Tuckman, donate by Tara McGillicuddy.
- A resource List of Academic Accommodations for AD/HD, donated by Conference Speaker Mark Bertin, MD.
- A Guide to Alternative AD/HD Treatment, donated by Conference Media Partner ADDitude Magazine.
- A Special Report on Ten Ways to Locate and Launch Your AD/HD Success Story, donated by Conference Speaker David Giwerc.
- A Special Report on Dads with AD/HD, donated by Conference Speaker Terry Dickson.
- A Video Presentation on Memory: Clearing the Cobwebs of My Mind, donated by Conference Speaker Linda Roggli.
- An Excerpt From the Workbook Understand Your Brain, Get More Done: The ADHD Executive Functions Workbook, donated by Conference Speaker Ari Tuckman.
- A Special Q&A Article on the Top 10 Questions about AD/HD, donated by Conference Speaker Dr. Edward "Ned" Hallowell.
And remember, the virtual goodie bag is for conference attendees only!
Register Now to Save $50
Here's what you get when you register:
Virtual AD/HD Conference® Registration options | Option #1: Standard registration | Option #2: deluxe registration |
Full Access to All FOUR DAYS of Live Sessions | ![]() | ![]() |
Full Access to Video Replays of All Live Sessions You'll have access to the replays both during the conference, and for a full 3 months after! | ![]() | ![]() |
Downloadable MP3 Recordings of All Sessions | ![]() | ![]() |
Downloadable Slides Provided by Speakers You'll have access to these downloadable materials both during the conference, and for a full 3 months after! | ![]() | ![]() |
Full Access to All Participant Forums You'll have access to the forums both during the conference, and for a full 3 months after! | ![]() | ![]() |
Full Access to the Virtual Exhibit Hall You'll have access to the exhibits both during the conference, and for a full 3 months after! | ![]() | ![]() |
Virtual Conference Goodie Bag You'll have access to these downloadable items both during the conference, and for a full 3 months after! | ![]() | ![]() |
Audio CD Set of All Session Recordings Mailed to Your Home ![]() | ![]() | |
Printed Transcripts from All Sessions Mailed to Your Home | ![]() | |
Printed Slides from All Sessions Mailed to Your Home | ![]() | |
Virtual AD/HD Conference® Registration options | Option #1: Standard registration | Option #2: deluxe registration |
Register For Your Preferred Option | ||
Save $50 Discount expires at 9:00 AM EST on October 3, 2011. |
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Cancellations will be accepted through September 26, 2011. A full refund, less a $25 administrative fee, will be issued. Cancellations must be submitted in writing to Please note that we have a support team available for customers experiencing technical difficulties, but we will not be able to issue refunds if you experience technical difficulties due to your own computer.
"This conference has brought me hope, new opportunities, validation, and new tools, both for myself, and to share with others."
Christine Villere
Kemah, TNTestimonial: I just wanted to let you know how MUCH I enjoyed the conference. It was absolutely the BEST way to have a conference!
"I could glance at the handouts, strap on my headset, and clean the house while taking notes. Some of your speakers had so much information that I missed a few rooms, but anyhow, to MOVE during a conference was FABULOUS! Thanks so much for putting it on. I will recommend it to all that I know next year."
Marsha Buscher
Franklin, TN
There IS Hope!
Don't Miss This Opportunity to Get the AD/HD Tools, Resources, and Connections that You and Your Loved Ones Need to Succeed!
My team and I look forward "meeting" you at the Virtual AD/HD Conference®!
Virtual AD/HD Conference® Director
Author of Odd One Out: The Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD
& Founder of The ADD Management Group, LLC
P.S. Don't forget to register in advance to
save on your Virtual AD/HD Conference® ticket!
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